Xenom Energy

What we do: Xenom is a cutting-edge marketplace platform for easy access to petroleum products in Africa with an end-to-end supply chain solution in the oil sector. The Xenom Energy marketplace enables independent station owners to order products at any time via SMS, the platform or the mobile app and receive timely delivery to the customer station. The platform makes it easier for independent station owners to source petroleum products and helps oil marketers ensure that their products are consistently available to consumers.

Ownership & Management: Xenom Energy was founded by Kevin Owin who has expanded the platform to Kenya, Uganda, DRC Congo, Tanzania, South Sudan and Rwanda. The company is managed by the founder and CEO as well as key management Fredrick Oluochand (Chief Technology Officer) and Vivian Merriez (Chief Marketing Officer).

Key financial indicators: In East Africa, there are more than 10,000 independent stations doing business of over US$25-billion in petroleum products. They typically lose up to 37% in sales due to challenges of restocking, lack of branding, business management skills and financing. Xenom Energy's platform tracks real-time sales and orders between independent station owners and oil marketers. The company also provides access to product price trends and petroleum industry information to enable independent station owners to get insights and strategies on restocking accordingly. Audited financials are not available to the public.

Track record: Xenom Energy has established a track record in the East African region of which some of the major clients are, Prompet Energy Ltd - Uganda. Texas Energy Ltd - Kenya, Igal Energy Ltd - Uganda, Sunafrica Trading Co. Ltd - Uganda, Lantabur - South Sudan, Barwaqo - South Sudan, Qwaasa Enterprises - South Sudan, Petromaisha - DR Congo, Baraka Yetu - DR Congo, Burraq - Kenya, Riva Petroleum - Kenya, GP Global - Uganda, Deli - Kenya / South Sudan, Matano Investment - Uganda / South Sudan, Union Oil and Gas - Uganda, Triangle Energy - DR Congo, Taksan - DR Congo, ETS Maison - DR Congo, Oilhub - Kenya, Apex Anchor - Kenya.

Contact details: Tel: +254 727 763 454 Address: Xenom Energy, Suite 900, Nairobi Branch 94103, Kenya Email: info@xenomenergy.com Website: https://xenomenergy.com/

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