PIAfrica2022 chose Mauritius again for this highlight conference. The occasion to unpack the current global and local context for the Pension Fund industry, while considering the opportunities that exist in alternative investments, as the world continues to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By exploring the broader global and continental economic environment, as well as the medium to long-term outlook, alternative investment opportunities will be reviewed against this background and other asset classes.
As the only dedicated Pension Funds and Alternative Investment show in Africa is going to take a place this 14-15 July in Mauritius, PIAfrica is the highlight event not to be missed, if you are in the Pension Funds and Alternative Investment arena. The event provides the opportunity for Pension Funds and Investment Managers to exchange best practise in a dynamic setting.
Pension Funds have entered a dynamic, highly complex cycle, fueled by a strong dollar, rising oil prices, rising inflation and interest rates. For Pension Funds, a completely new world is emerging that will necessitate more adaptive investment, risk management, and analysis. Reason being, why Tthe event will be centered around the theme of “Navigating the Recovery – Investing in Alternatives for Higher Returns and Sustainability” and assemble experts from the national, regional, and international scenes, specialised in Pension Funds and Alternative Investment to deliberate the challenges and opportunities.